Genetics of Physical and Mental Health
As a Medical Research Council funded PhD student, my research emphasises a gap in our current knowledge when it comes to the connection of mental ill-health and physical illnesses such as heart disease. In other words, my project aims to understand if people who have mental ill-health store energy in their body in unfavourable ways, which may contribute to the development of things like type II diabetes.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and brings focus to the present to help treat things like depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and many more states of being. CBT is typically a short-term model of therapy in which clients set goals with their therapist and learn tools that can be taken with them long after their sessions end.
Core conditions
The core conditions of most psychotherapies are based on Carl Rogers core conditions of person-centred therapy. Rooted within every course training psychotherapist are themes of acceptance, genuineness, and empathy. These concepts are to provide a framework so that any client interested in seeking psychotherapy is met with an open mind, attention, and intention to listen to whatever the speaker has to say.
My Approach
I like to think I am getting a degree in 'one size will almost never fit all'. My programme is centralised in precision medicine. Precision medicine is all about using data and science plus a persons genetics, environment, and lifestyle to determine the best treatment for what ails them. You can read a little but more this here.
My research is driven by a few core disciplines: psychiatric genetics, metabolic systems, statistics, epidemiology, public health, and psychological health. With all of these disciplines, I will be examining many different variables to determine significance with how mental and physical health are connected in a world where many have been mislead when it comes to what the word "health" means. My primary focus on mental health distress and how it is connected to affect how our bodies store energy (adipose storage). Both concepts that are heavily stigmatised in society, so while I will try to use good science, I intend to incorporate the truths of people who have lived experiences with these health struggles. Science, just like people, isn't perfect so I intend to challenge concepts when they are rooted in sexism, racism, and/or are in need of some reform (I am looking at you BMI). Science is all about challenge and change, therefore my research approach may be different from many, but I want incorporate as many truths as possible, not keep telling a narrative that was established and left unchecked.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
As a CBT trainee, I am a generalised practitioner meaning I don't have a specific group I cater to. However, I value the humanistic approach in client-led practices. It is my goal to help clients in their journey, wherever they would like to take it. As I move forward with my practice I may find myself working with people of a specific subset, but as of right now this is not the case. I practice the core conditions in my personal and professional life to be my authentic self. While my authenticity will remain constant, this section of this page is likely to change.
As I grow and learn to settle in my approach as a CBT practitioner, I will likely be refined to what works best for me and my clients. Some core things I have already adapted into my practice is cultural competency across gender, sexual, and relationship diversity (GSRD). In other words, all are welcome and it will always be a #SafeSpace to be yourself. This will remain constant.
Curious about the flower to the right ? It flower is called the King Protea and according to, "the Protea flower is known to symbolise a beauty that stands out, embracing uniqueness and diversity, and the boldness to create and accept the inevitable changes." Something I find beautifully celebrates human experience.